I’m the son of an engineer and an artist. Dad’s mantra was, “If you look at something long enough you’ll figure out how it works.” That proven wisdom, along with mom’s relentless cheerleading of my creativity, has created a combo I love using to help my clients.
I want you to enjoy the process as much as I do. I’m told that I’m a discerning listener (“Ed has a deep understanding of who we are and what we do”)…
…I get a kick out of helping you champion and focus your vision (“He has an amazing ability to communicate the depth and meaning of our message”)…
…And I want to help you to keep your eyes on the needs of your clients (“My clients comment on how clean, attractive, and compelling my material is”).
Other “love-to-dos”:
• being challenged by the phrase, “It can’t be done”
• helping people hear the gentle whisper that is prodding them to expand their horizon and/or vision
• seeing the “aha” on someone’s face when they understand something for the first time
• helping people discover connections they could not see before
• acting as a father to more than my own family
I’ve raised 4 beautiful, independent daughters, am still in love with my wise and faithful wife, and would be a fine carpenter if I wasn’t doing what I do.